Today i am going to talk about nature, yes NATURE, MOTHER NATURE,PRAKRUTI MATA. 

whenever we heard the word NATURE images of trees ,mountains, chirping of birds, the joyful sound of water comes in our mind. Songs like  धरती सुनहरी अंबर नीला
                                            पंछी, नदिया, पवन के झोकें, 
                                           सावन बरसे तरसे दिल क्‌यूं ना निकले घर से दिल बरखा में भी दिल प्यासा है ये प्यार नहीं तो क्‌या है . 
 represents the magnificent beauty of nature. when we talk about nature how can we forget WORDSWORTH'S DAFFODILS . But here i want to talk about the dual personality of nature. YES, just like humans nature also have dual personality . everyone likes to talk and write about the beauty of nature but very few writes about the other side of the nature. if nature can save us it also have ability to destroy us. Flood , Wildfire,Tsunami are the other side of the nature or we can say that the cruel side of the nature .


                              There's a poem by A.K. RAMNUJAN  ,A RIVER in which the poet talked about the dangerous face of the river.

                                           A RIVER 
In Madurai,
city of temples and poets,
who sang of cities and temples,
every summer
a river dries to a trickle
in the sand,
baring the sand ribs,
straw and women's hair
clogging the watergates
at the rusty bars
under the bridges with patches
of repair all over them
the wet stones glistening like sleepy
crocodiles, the dry ones
shaven water-buffaloes lounging in the sun
The poets only sang of the floods.

He was there for a day
when they had the floods.
People everywhere talked
of the inches rising,
of the precise number of cobbled steps
run over by the water, rising
on the bathing places,
and the way it carried off three village houses,
one pregnant woman
and a couple of cows
named Gopi and Brinda as usual.

The new poets still quoted
the old poets, but no one spoke
in verse
of the pregnant woman
drowned, with perhaps twins in her,
kicking at blank walls
even before birth.

He said:
the river has water enough
to be poetic
about only once a year
and then
it carries away
in the first half-hour
three village houses,
a couple of cows
named Gopi and Brinda
and one pregnant woman
expecting identical twins
with no moles on their bodies,
with different coloured diapers
to tell them apart.


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