Deconstruction and Derrida


Deconstruction is an approach to understand the relationship between text and meaning .It is a method of critical analysis of philosophical and literary language which emphasizes the internal working of language and conceptual systems , the relational quality of meaning meaning and the assumptions implicit in forms of expression.

JACQUES DERRIDA was an Anglerian born French philosopher best known for developing form of semiotic analysis known as deconstruction . he is one of the major figures associated with post structuralism and post modern philosophy.The term Deconstruction is very hard to define . As Derrida himself denies to define this term by saying that all other terms we use in philosophy or literary criticism even deconstruction can not be once and finally define.

"Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique. "

                                 He says that " Deconstruction is not destructive activity but an inquiry into the foundations, causes of intellectual system".in the concept of decentering  the center becomes important. Derrida tries to prove that one word leads us to another word rather than towards the meaning of word. It never allows to come at the center of meaning. We just assume that we understood the thing but actually it never happens , the meaning is always postponed . Derrida also discussed about binary oppositions ( good -evil, black -white, male -female, up -dawn, high - low,  ). It differentiate the meaning of one from the other in terms of one lacking something.




हम देखेंगे
लाज़िम है कि हम भी देखेंगे
वो दिन कि जिसका वादा है
जो लोह-ए-अज़ल में लिखा है
जब ज़ुल्म-ओ-सितम के कोह-ए-गरां 
रुई की तरह उड़ जाएँगे
हम महकमों के पाँव तले
ये धरती धड़-धड़ धड़केगी
और अहल-ए-हकम के सर ऊपर
जब बिजली कड़-कड़ कड़केगी
जब अर्ज-ए-ख़ुदा के काबे से
सब बुत उठवाए जाएँगे
हम अहल-ए-सफ़ा, मरदूद-ए-हरम
मसनद पे बिठाए जाएँगे
सब ताज उछाले जाएँगे
सब तख़्त गिराए जाएँगे

बस नाम रहेगा अल्लाह का
जो ग़ायब भी है हाज़िर भी
जो मंज़र भी है नाज़िर भी
उट्ठेगा अन-अल-हक़ का नारा
जो मैं भी हूँ और तुम भी हो
और राज़ करेगी खुल्क-ए-ख़ुदा
जो मैं भी हूँ और तुम भी हो

 This song was written by a pakistani poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz, against the pakistani ruler, but some people are considering it as anti hindu. But if we read it from a completely different perspective, we find it relevant to any nation, because many nations are suffering from poverty,  lack of Education, food, and health because of some selfish politicians, so it becomes difficult to understand if it is about Pakistan or all the nations?  बस नाम रहेगा अल्लाह का
जो ग़ायब भी है हाज़िर भी
जो मंज़र भी है नाज़िर भी in this line it is said that Allah ( God ) is present as well as absent , here a question of the existence of God arrives ,if he is present or not? we don't get the perfect answer of it. 

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