CS in paractice : Hamlet and To his coy mistress

=Hamlet through the lens of Cultural Study

This two characters were marginalized in Hamlet , they are even more so in Hamlet , they are even more so in Stoppard's handling . if Shakespeare marginalized the powerless in his own version of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern , Stoppard has marginalized us all in an ear - in the eyes of some - all of us are caught up in forces beyond our control.
Rosencranz and Guildernstern are two pawns used by both Hamlet and Claudios. The means of their name are garlend and golden star. They both studied with Hamlet and we can say treated as mere puppets.

To His Coy Mistress :

To His Coy Mistress" is a Cavalier poem written by the English author and politician Andrew Marvell (1621–1678) either during or just before the English Interregnum (1649–60). It was published posthumously in 1681.
This poem is considered one of Marvell's finest and is possibly the best recognized carpe diem poem in English. Although the date of its composition is not known, it may have been written in the early 1650s. At that time, Marvell was serving as a tutor to the daughter of the retired commander of the New Model Army, Sir Thomas Fairfax.
The  poem to his coy mistress tells us a lot about the speaker , the listener and also the audience for whom it is written . But what does the he not show ? as he selects these rich and multifarious allusions , what does he ignore from his culture ?
The speaker of the poem starts by addressing a woman who has been slow to respond to his romantic advances. In the first stanza he describes how he would pay court to her if he were to be unencumbered by the constraints of a normal lifespan. He could spend centuries admiring each part of her body and her resistance to his advances (i.e., coyness) would not discourage him. In the second stanza, he laments how short human life is. Once life is over, the speaker contends, the opportunity to enjoy one another is gone, as no one embraces in death. In the last stanza, the speaker urges the woman to requite his efforts, and argues that in loving one another with passion they will both make the most of the brief time they have to live.
                                 Thank you..
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