Assignment Paper - 13 The New Literature

 Prepared by : Sima Rathod

Paper – 13 The New Literature

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Submitted to : Smt. S. B. Gardi Department of English, MKBU.

Abstract :

In this paper I have compared two texts first one is Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown and another text is examining the issues raised by the book and movie discussing in The Da Vinci Code written by Lee Storbel and Garry Poole. Religion is always considered as something very pious and no one is allowed to question the religion and even the religious people and their beliefs but In the DA Vinci Code, Dan Brown created his own history and created a meta narrative about Jesus Christ and Marry Magdalene. But people opposed it and come out with other narratives to oppose the narrative of Dan Brown, a book versus a book.

Key Words : Da Vinci Code, Jesus Christ, Holy Grail, Mary Magdalene, Religion.

Introduction :

Da Vinci Code is a 2003 mystery thriller novel by then it is brown second novel to include the character Robert Langdon the first was his 2009 model Angels and Demons The Da Vinci Code follows symbologist Robert Langdon and Katra colleges open you after a murder in the Louvre museum in Paris causes them to become involved in a battle between the Priory of Sion and opposite day out the possibility of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene haven't had a child together the novel explore and alternative religious history would Central plot is that the European king of France where descended from the Bloodline of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene ideas derived from the climb princess the temple Revelation which was published in 1997 and books by Margaret starbird the davinci code both in book and film form has been subject to Extreme criticism going to the fact that is visible number of claims made by the third and round are rooted in religious historical and scientific inaccuracies apart from this does it depiction of European art history and culture trade muddy waters. the davinci code has fascinated  millions it allegations against historical Christianity are colourful he portrayed but at the true or nearly inaccurate accounts of searching a centuries-old mis and DSS to give answers to all this question this two authors Gary pool and least Orwell  come together  and prepared this book  the book deals with the question like has the true historical record been suppressed where 80 different Gospel contending for the new testament was Mary Magdalene really directed to lead the church does a secret society keep Jesus Bloodline hidden is the divinity of Jesus the fabrication of third century Church Council how accurate is the research behind this and other assertions in The Da Vinci Code .

Controversy around the book and the movie:

Existence of the Knights templar and the Priory of Sion.

Facts about the Louvre museum and its paintings.

Certain inner Workings of Opus Dei,

Certain claims about Leonardo da Vinci 

certain claims about Jesus and Mary Magdalene and copyright issues.

Research questions?

Is Literature versus a literature good idea?

Is it good to come out with a new narrative to oppose another narrative?

Research Methodology :

The study is a narrative research.

Literary Review :

There is no restriction explicit reference to the year in which it takes place the Vinci Code is a set in a time contempt yours with its Publication in 2003, it equally strong claims about an alternative history of Christianity have provided many biblical Scholars to counter in a growing number of books written exclusive to do discredit the novel is portrayed of religious fanaticism place in to readers fears of spiritual politics especially in the wake of recent terrorist committed by religious fundamentalists while the novel is obviously fiction as a thriller that follows its protagonists through some extremely narrow S and ends with a complete resolution it does make interpretation of two Historical events worth mentioning here the origin of the Priory of Sion in the 11th century and the Council of nicaea in 325AD as a secret society the Priory of Sion is sold in history on the first page of the novel unambiguously title fat brown claim it is a European secret society founded in 1099 and rights that in 1975 documents were found that identify figures from Sir Isaac Newton to Leonardo Da Vinci's Priory members.

, brown uses the last names of the two letter a third straight forward and enigmatic sources for his fictional history and leaping their book refers to the true story of a prince appointed in 8085 Rangers on air who mysterious Li acquires great wealth in a short period of time and emotionally purchase is a lavish state through the story of a Rangers on here is widely accepted as fact the holy blood and the Holy Grail assume that Sonia as well as a direct result of his finding secret papers that prove the existence of Jesus and Mary Magdalene line age.

In the book examining the issues raised by the book and movie discussing The Da Vinci Code written by Lee strobel and Gary pool. Has four sessions which addresses the following questions

What can history really tell us? 

Can we trust the four gospels? 

What's the role of women in Christianity? 

Is Jesus really the son of God? 

For the content of this book The writers created a small forum which is designed for use with an accompanying participants guide that includes discussion questions sidebar information background material Bible verses and relevantcodes each session includes interviews with experts and concludes with a facilitator perspective also. Ashford and round the legendary Holy Grail is not the literal chalice used in the last supper but in fact Mary Magdalene as protected by the knight templar historically the Knights templar or the order of solomon's Temple was a Catholic military order founded in 1119. Who were closely tied with the crusades as their protectors of Christian pilbeam's the first Association between the templar and the Holy Grail can be tracked back to German writer Wolfram von Eschenbach and his Arthurian epic poem, Parzival. This poem presents The Grail as a mysterious live restoring Cup which is used as a reference point by brown who then ultra the promisor into claims about Jesus and Mary is sacred Bloodline moreover there is no historical event that the Knights templar discovered the Grail and annihilated due to the knowledge of the same the existence of the Priory of Sion was indeed real as it was a fraternal organisation founded by Pierre Plantared in 1956. However the nature of the group was widely from brown portrayal who claims that the Priory boosted members like Leonardo da Vinci and Victor Hugo while this is not true the historical binary of signed it present a series of documents to prove the existence of Bloodline descending from Jesus and Mary Magdalene  was later exposed as an elaborate Hoax in the form of an esoteric puzzle. 

Saloora Museum is a key narrative  made by Brown as the murder of  Museum curator Sauniere which takes place within this place and Langdons quest for the Grail and clearly as well have a work brown makes a series of claims about the world-renowned Museum especially the Louvre pyramid which  was made of 663 panes of Glass at the behest of architect François Mitterrand. This is overwhelmingly false, as the Louvre states that the number of glass panes used is 673. Brown also delves deep into the paintings featured in the holy the grand gallery, including Monalisa claiming that The Da Vinci means to symbolise and any drug tumors was through this work which is content by various art historians apart from this the most glaring in accuracy is Leigh Teabings  interpretation of The Last Supper in which he claims that the DA Vinci’s last supper in the depiction of Mary Magdalene this is majorly refuted by artist who point that Da Vinci painted John with a feminine touch to distinguish him as the youngest apostle. 

Opus De was founded in Spain in 1978 by Catholic Saint Josemaria Escriva and remains controversial to date brown incorporate the inner workings of the organisation in order to add layers to the character of silas the main antagonist who Resorts to murder on being ordered by the teacher brown portrays some of the inner workings of a first day in a fairly accurate light such as when he shows silence using a spiked belt to carry out corporal mortification which is in keeping with the organisation actual practices the teachings of escriva including the mantra repeated by silas pain is good is a loose exaction but accurate brown also describes the new headquarters of opposite day in New York with great accuracy and touches upon the controversies the organisation is of an embroidered in on the other hand there are grows in accuracies when it comes to certain historical facts in relation to Opus Dei. Both Langdon and Sophie refers to Silas as a Monk, which is inaccurate, although this might be deliberate to highlight the utter lack of knowledge when it comes to secretive societies. 

One of the most controversial claims made by brown in The Da Vinci Code was the union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and the Bloodline that existed you to the same while planning this to Sophie Robert starts off by claiming that Magdalene descended from the tribe of Benjamin much like the first king of Israel Saul making the Bloodline Royal in nature the problem with this came is the lake of historical evidence and the fact that Magdalene mean from Magdala. Thinking she did not help from the tribe of benjamin besides textual evidence in the Canonical journalistic gospels in the new testament which is the source of Brown games do not support his Interpretation for the more the falacity of this claim can be traced back toPlantards ideas. Which have already been exposed as an elaborate fabrication. 

Conclusion :

 21st century is the Era of the development, technology and social unrest especially people are becoming very intolerant now a days, especially when it comes to religion, Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code is mainly consisted of The relations between Jesus and Mary Magdalene and the existence of their Bloodline which is quite controversial. It created so many controversy but people handled it with the Power of literature. To show their disagreement towards the facts presented by Brown in his book people come against him with their own facts and narratives. Which is a very great way to showcase agitation and disagreement rather than slitting throats or harrassing someone’s ideas, or abusing them. Literature versus literature is the best way to resist to order to criticize something rather than sleeping thought or damaging public property by creating riots bloodshed for damaging the public property is not the only way to show disagreement anger or education one can express it by writing it down in a good manner. 

References :

Bannerji, AVANTIKA . Hindustan Times . 10 April 2006. 25 April 2021 <>

        Brown , Dan. Da Vinci Code . Great Britain : Bantam Press, 2009.

        DUTTA, DEBOPRIYAA . Screen Rent. 3 December 2020. 25 April 2021 <>.

        Goodstein, Laurie . New York Times. 27 April 2004. 25 April 2021 <>.

        Jain, Saudamini . Hindustan Times. 10 January 2016. 25 April 2021 <>.

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