Language Lab Group Task

 Language Lab group Task

 "Language is not a genetic gift, it is a social gift. Learning a new language is becoming a member of the club – the community of speakers of that language." Frank Smith

 Learning a language can sometimes be a challenging and frustrating experience. At times you might feel that you have reached a dead-end or hit a brick wall and motivating yourself can become difficult. Don’t forget that speaking a second language not only opens new doors but also has numerous other advantages. And now with the help of technology and technological tools it become very easy as well as interesting to learn basic language learning skills. 

 Owing to the second wave of Covide19, we were not able to gather at the Department to complete this task of reviewing the Language Lab software which is basically very important for LSRW Skills but now we are somewhat feeling relief from the second wave and we got a reminder from our Professor to complete the task so, we have formed a group and completed this task.

 What is Language Lab Software?

 Language Lab is a language learning software that provides all the features required by teachers for language teaching-learning process using various activities such as pronunciation practice, video presentation, audio broadcasting, quiz and exercise. 

 What Happens in a Language Lab?

 Language labs provide practice in an entertaining and interactive way to acquire the 4 main language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. ... Complimentary: Language labs allow students to reinforce material learned in class by putting them into practice through interactive activities. 

 Advantages of Language Lab Software :

 If some one wants to say about language lab's advantages so there will be a one answer its works on learners LSRW skills very effectively and also gave something good to read apart from stories too for eg.paragraph on Abraham Lincoln etc. Helps to enhance four basic skills. -It gives some kind of test so learners can evaluate them selves, -phonetics is part of this language lab which helps learners how pronounce particular word or sentence, -It can be considered perfect program for primary students -It has 3 different levels so all type of students can learn from this software. 

 Disadvantages of Language Lab Software?

 Fixed and static in place, sometimes it's hard to sit at the same place for hours, Learner distraction is possible Lack of physical surveillance Technical glitches, coz of old versions of software, one feels bored and loses interest in learning. ESL was not working at all, The Drag and drop answering method was so difficult as one has to try several times to drag the drop the correct answer to fill the blank, We have done this task in a group, almost every member felt difficulty during the listening task coz of the assent. 

 Comparison of Mobile app language lab with language lab programme in DELL.

 Mobile learning is very prevalent in the current scenario. Mobile learning is also known as mLearning and is a new way to get access to a variety of content available online through the use of a mobile. Mobile learning is the easiest way for students to get help.

 As the device changes and the apps, being supported only on simultaneous devices. it would obviously be having some differences regarding its operating, accessing and functioning systems. We only had to see how when it comes to experience such a type of learning on two simultaneous devices, it differs a lot. On tab, one is supposed to install the "namo e-tab application", which is incorporated with British Council Language Lab. Under the Menu section, one can find many language learning related topics; like enhancement of Skills : LSRW, Grammar, Vocabulary, Business English, IELTS related courses etc. The latter tests your language proficiency, competency, and provides you with techniques, tips, and strategies to have command on the concerned language. However the course is paid one, distributed into 12 weeks, allotting 3 hours per week. The good thing about this application is, especially for the basics of learning a language. It will provide you with all the related tasks, videos(if needed), downloadable worksheets, concerning any pursued topic, and lastly ask you to take a quiz, to check your understanding. After completing any quizzes, it will show you the level of language(where you're standing). Either on elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate or at advanced level. Thus perceiving your position, you may come to know, now what to do to further improve your language proficiency. In a way, except the device distinction, there isn't any remarkable difference between the two than providing two variants of software for language learning. The structure and the method have differences, but not the means through which it is provided, altogether adopting a different strategy to make students' learn. In Dell Software, each and every lesson is given explicitly. For example : Under "Question Formation" how to make 'wh' questions and how to attempt 'Is/Are/Have/Has' questions and how with specificity the answers should be given. In an exercise named 'Preposition' an object is highlighted, to identify the position and give the position its name, one has to identify where the object is and accordingly name the spot considering the prime position of the main object(in, above, below etc). It is the way through which one can learn easily, only by identifying the objects. Accordingly the treatment is given to 'singularity' and 'plurality', subsequently one can learn all the grammar portion; comprising tenses,articles(articles related to vowels) etc. When visualizing the childhood days, we had been given an opportunity to learn in this way. This would have been more interesting and fun making than experiencing today, as in our 2nd class book the similar pattern was adopted. Which makes one wonder if the entire pattern is digitalized so succinctly. One main difference is, in mobile apps, they are giving quizzes, while in e-dell software, the traditional pattern is followed by giving an exercise, after understanding each lesson. In Dell software particularly it is found, though the lesson starts systematically from the home tab and finishes as highlighted in index, but somewhere when such lessons like, 'sentence correction' where you have to drag the item from the given table, drop where you have to restructure the sentence again, with all its comprising elements. There might be some intended errors considering singularity, plurality of verbs or indicators. When going through this exercise drag and drop tools didn't work(as felt by one of the students), seemingly it was as one is supposed to see, read and learn, rather than doing any  activity actively. 

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