Assignment Paper -8 Cultural Studies

Assignment paper: 8 cultural studies
Topic : Queer theory
Prepared by Sima Rathod


             Queer theory is a field of critical theory that emerged in the early 1990 out of the field of queer studies and women studies. queer theory includes both queer readings of tax and theorisation of weirdness itself heavily influenced by the work of Lauren Berlant, Leo Bersani, Judith Butler,Lee Eldman, Jack Halberstam,and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. Queer theory builds both upon feminist challenges to the idea that gender is part of the essential self and upon gay and lesbian studies close examination of socially constructed nature of sexual acts and Lesbian studies focused it's inquiries International and unnatural behavior with respect to human sexual behavior queer theory expands it's Focus to emphasize any kind of sexual activity or identity that Falls into normative and deviant categories. The concept of queerness  focuses on mismatches between" sex Gender and Desire " Queerness has been associated most prominently with bisexual lesbian and gay subjects but it's analytic Framework also includes subtopics as cross-dressing intersex bodies and identities gender ambiguity and gender confirmation surgery queer theory holds that individual sexuality is a fluid,fragmented and dynamic connectivity of possible sexuality and it may vary at different points during one's life. Its criticism of stable and core related sexes,Gender and sexuality develops out of the specifically lesbian and gay reworking of the post-structuralist figuring of Identity as a constellation of multiple and unstable positions. Queer theory also exam is the discourses of Emma sexuality developed in the last century in order to place the "queer "into historical context deconstructing contemporary arguments both for and against this latest terminology.

Queer Theory and IPC Act 377

            When we talk about queerness how can we not talk about the  377 in India. Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code criminalizes conceptual private sexual acts between adults it came into force in 1862 lawyers have argued that the notorious criminal tribes act 1871 which branded or number of marginalized population groups like transgenders as "Innately Criminal" before it was repealed Drew inspiration from Section 377 172 report of the law commission of India recommended the deletion of section 377 no action was taken penalty provision says " whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man woman or animal shall be punished with imprisonment for life or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years and shall also be liable to fine" in 2009 the Delhi High Court read down Section 377 to apply only to consensual ,penile, non vaginal sex and sexual acts by adults with minors. In December 2013 a two judge bench of the supreme court on appeals filled by private parties set aside the High Court judgement it up headed the decriminalization of gay sex while virtual identifying the LGBT community the right to sexuality sexual orientation and choice of partner in July 2018 constitution bench led by chief justice Deepak Mishra reopen the entire issue saying a section of people could not Live in fear of the law which atrophied their rights to choice, privacy and dignity.
              Even in ancient India one can find homosexuality.according to one report of India Today they have given 10 examples of homosexuality in Ancients India. Epics like Ramayana Mahabharata and even temples of Khajuraho give in a peep into the ancient times of India to establish that Homosexuality was in practice.

# In the temples of Khajuraho there are images of women erotically embarrassing other women and men displaying their genitals to each other Scholars have generally explain this as an acknowledgement that people engaged in homosexual acts.

# In the Valmiki Ramayana Lord Rama's devotee and companion Hanuman is said to have send Raksha women kissing and embracing other women.

# At another place the Ramayana does the tale of a king name did Dilip who had two wives he died without leaving and hair the story size that Lord Shiva appeared in the dreams of the widowed Queens and told them that if they made allowed to each other they would have a child the Queens did as ordered by Lord Shiva and one of them got pregnant they give birth to a child who went on to become famous king Bhagirath best known for having brought river Ganga from heaven to the earth.

# Mahabharata has an interesting story about shikhandi the feminine for transgender warrior of the time and responsible for the defeat and killing of Bhishma he was a daughter of king who raised her as a prince to take revenge from the cross the rulers of Hastinapur even God shikhandi Ne married to a woman after her wife discovered the reality schedule vaulted the day was saved by divine intervention disturbing shikhandi with manhood during night henceforth lived like a hermaphrodite.

# Another scripture the Narad purana has reference to what may be classified as Natural offences describe in section 377 at one place the Narad purana States anyone would Sasta Saman in non-veg anus in those beings destitute of vulva and uterus of animals in a great Cena and will fall in hell the purana does not approve of unnatural offences but the preferences prove that they were in practice.

           Ancient Indian texts inscriptions and paintings on the temple was clearly don't approve of homosexuality but the repeated references do acknowledge its existence in those days.

List of people who come out as gay:

  1. Arundhati Katju and Menka Guruswamy

                The duo came out as a couple and became the face of the 377 an interview with economic Times Katju said stated that, " it is not nice to be declared as a Criminal and then return to the court to argue other cases". She further said that the court practiced as lawyers told them that gay people were second class citizens.

2.               Manavendrasinh Gohil

The Prince of Rajpipala Indias openly gay Prince size that 
"coming out in India is very difficult there is so much stigma society doesn't allow parents to accept it, parents blackmail their children and force them to get married to the opposite sex people in the community 10 meter mothers have threaten to kill themselves if they are gay did not want the mother to jump into a well so they are pressured to get married"

3.               Ellen De Generes

 " Yep, I'm gay" on April 25 th De Generes spoke to Diane Sawyer on20/20 and said " I decided this was not going to be something that I was going to leave the rest of my life being ashamed of" 

4.               Karan Johar: 

The famous Bollywood director and producer Karan Johar many Times indirectly confessed about his sexuality.

All this are the people who has courage to come out public ally but now take a look at the people who are oppressed by the society.

Arun Kumar ,28 Northern State of Uttar Pardesh:

           I am really happy with the course decision it will help people in cities Express themselves without wearing the law but sadly is different for people like me who live in villages it's not the law that we feel what troubles us is people's perception I hope that the media coverage of the verdict will help people understand that homosexuality is normal I was 14 when I realize I was attracted to boys I was initially confused I tried not to think about it but the feeling kept troubling me so I decided to talk to a friend about his is reaction from him,he told me it was disgusting to even think about hammer sexuality he started to avoid me and soon we barely spoke to each other 4 years after that I never spoke about my sexuality

Kiran Yadav 30 eastern state of Bihar:

              I was 15 when I realized I was a lesbian since I was a little girl I never liked girly clothes I like to wear trousers and short like the boys in my village my parents didn't object I didn't have a brother so there thought of me as a son and didn't mind if I dressed up as well I tried to kill myself when she 24 my parents thought that I was depressed because I was unmarried they got married a few weeks later but it was doomed within a year I was divorced by this time I had no will to live everyday was difficult I have lived 30 years of my life without meeting a partner now I just want a job to survive I have no hope of meeting a partner because I can never openly talk about being a lesbian.


       Queer theory demonstrates how heterosexuality has been considered the norm and heterosexuality as deviance it argues that identity is secured only through performance and repetition it is a social construction the result of power relations between the dominant sexual types hetero sexual and How such a construction legitimatizes gays and lesbians has deviance criminals and Immoral what is needed is a study of the queer Canon a better for political power and social acceptance while theorist are you for find turning of race and gender studies to address queer sexuality among blacks and post colonial societies. proper education, unbiased perspectives and clean and empathetic environment is much needed for the acceptance of LGBT community.

Work Citation:

(Queer Theory)
(Homosexuality in Ancient India)
(Lawyers Menka Gurusway and Arundhati Katju The Face of Historical Verdict reveal they are a couple )
(Weaver )

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