Chetan Bhagat and his market


  1. One may be surprised by knowing that I haven't read wall books of shri Bhagat ,and one striking feature of his books'title is that there is always a figure is involved ,except on book . Bhagat as a writer has become youth icon of the present collegiate generation,no doubt his writings absolutely captivate them .The author has covered all aspects of his books and made her write-up interesting .The article throws the light on Bharat's writing style ,a really good article

  2. Thank you so much sir in my oral presentation I tried to point ou the aspects of the popularity of his novels.

    1. Pl do that ,and try to generate interest among the others ,who are simply not collegeion,any author should not have boundaries for particular readership

    2. Sure Sir, thanks for your guidance.

  3. In your presentation you had put screenshot of book with price that is good thing in your presentation. And also gave details about Chetan Bhagat..

  4. Thank you so much Super Senior.

  5. Your blog is ok there is not single mistake found.

    But as you say for suggestions .

    I would like to suggest you that .

    Mack comparison between chetean bhagat & Yuval Noah Harari.

    I would like to see that comparison how it's look .

  6. thanks a lot super senior for the suggestion, i will definitely work on our suggestion.


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