welcome to my blog, this blog is prepared on the grounds of an assignment task given by Prof. Dilip Barad  Sir. 

PARADISE LOST  is an  Epic Poem  written by the 17th century English poet JOHN MILTON . it is an epic poem written in BLANK VERSE (Blank  Verse is a poem without rhyme , especially that which uses Iambic Pentameters .) The poem concerns the Biblical story of fall of man ,the temptation of Adam and Eve by the Fallen Angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden .Satan , Adam ,Eve and God are the major charecters. 



Blind faith in God 
HUMAN at the center 
No space for Reason and Thoughts 
Uses Reason and Thoughts 
God centric world 
HUMAN centric world 
Rigidness in thoughts 
Flexibility in thoughts 
                    In GENESIS , the fall of man is narrated from God's perspective . God is at the center in the Bible. SATAN , ADAM and EVE were portrayed as subalterns , dull , voiceless ,lifeless and dull.  SATAN tempted EVE, EVE tempted ADAM and the FALL OF MAN happened.GOD came and punished all three. Many questions remained unanswered in the justice of GOD .If EVE is to be punished for her disobedience why should her children also be cursed , "I will greatly multiply your  pain in childbearing ; in pain you shall bring forth children , yet your desire shall be for your husband , and he shall rule over you".

ADAM also got punished by GOD but his punishment is lighter than EVE'. " And to ADAM he said ,"Because you have listened to the the voice of your wife , and have eaten of the tree of which i commanded you , 'you shall not eat of it,' cursed is the ground because of you ;in toil you shall eat of it . all the  days of your life ; thorns and thistels it shall bring forth to you; and you shall eat bread till you return to the ground , for out of it you were taken ; you are dust ' and to dust you shall return".(GOD)
                   Giving birth is more painful than doing labor . this raised many questions . IS GOD MISOGYNIST? WHY LIGHT PUNISHMENT FOR ADAM ? HE IS CALLED "ALMIGHY" ," THE WISE " and  "THE MERCIFUL " DOES  HE REALLY MERCIFUL ?  I DON'T THINK SO. when you tell someone ,not to do something, are they going to listen ,or are they more motivated than ever to do it ? science would say that the latter is more likely because people like to be in control of their own lives.
             The behavior is purely psychological and is known as 'REACTANCE' which is a type of  a mechanism where our brain wants to ensure that we are free to do whatever is that we want to do with our own lives.but that's not all ' humans are also notoriously curious creatures ,so when someone labels something as the forbidden fruit and say someone can't have it ,we ultimately make them want it even though they might have even wanted it to begin with. 
Milton's PARADISE LOST is told from HUMAN PERSPECTIVE .he ties to justify ways of GOD to MAN. in GENESIS EVE is responsible for the fall of man but here MILTON says that she just wanted to gain knowledge and wanted to become equal to ADAM. she wanted to enjoy her free will and reason gifted by GOD . Human is a curious animal.

EVE is a human being and she acted like a human being .MILTON is a poet ,the poet stands in favour of humans rather than GOD. MILTON through the  character of EVE described the curious human nature .ADAM's love for EVE is genuine and selfless . HE was aware of the consequences of eating the forbidden fruit and after a deep thinking he decides to eat the fruit , it is love the human emotion, which lead him to his fall or we can also say doom.
                  we as a student of literature can only compare the HUMAN PERSPECTIVE AND DIVINE PERSPECTIVE. we can't decide which one is good ,bad or superior. GOD IS A GREAT CREATOR WHO CREATED HUMANS .

ANS.    In GENESIS EVE is described as the reason for the fall of man.

                                       It is said that EVE is created from ADAM's ribs. In history and in today's time ,women considered as the fall of man just like EVE in the Bible. woman always considered as inferior to man .she was always questioned for her choices and decisions .she is always considered as weak ,selfish , fragile , problem creator (the list is so long).
                               TRANSGRESSOR means TO GO BEYOND A BOUNDARY OR LIMIT.  I see EVE as curious and revolutionary  character.I accept that EVE broke the rule and ate the forbidden apple but she is a human and human can never be perfect human is a curious creature. it's in human nature to do the things first they are told not to do .  she wanted to gain knowledge and wanted to become equal to ADAM .she says that ," If this be our condition , thus to dwell in narrow circuit strained by a Foe , subtle or violent , we nit endued single with like defence  whatever met ,how are we happy , still in fear of harm ?but harm precedes not(from our ) sin".this lines shows EVE's desire for free will.
                     GOD is omnipotent and omnipresent so why he didn't  stop SATAN from entering in the EDEN  GARDEN? , why he didn't stop EVE and ADAM from eating the apple?  why he made them (ADAM AND EVE)  work in the same garden where the forbidden tree is planted ? why he gave such a harsh and cruel punishment to EVE and lighter punishment to ADAM? the most important question why he created woman (EVE) ?  why he didn't created two man ? 
                        Whenever women transgressed the boundaries made by men they were criticized .from EVE to TONI MORRISON , GEORGE ELIOT , APHRA BEHN , SITA MATA, KIRAN BEDI , SARALA THAKRAL, GAURI LANKESH all were transgressors who crossed the so called boundaries to gain knowledge and enjoy their free will. 
                                                          THANK YOU...             

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