Assignment paper 11 postcolonial literature

 Prepared by: Sima Rathod

Paper: 11.The postcolonial literature

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Submitted to: Smt. S . B . Gardi, Department of English, MKBU


In this paper I have tried to compare Shakespeare's Tempest, a Tempest by Aime Cesaire and the Tempest by Niel Gaiman. Shakespeare's the Tempest with both tragic and comic themes. While a Tempest is a Post colonial play and The Tempest is a graphic novel.


 the Tempest, Shakespeare, Aime Cesaire, postcolonialism and Graphic novel 


the Tempest is a play by William Shakespeare probably be written in 16 10 to 16 11 and thought to be one of the last place that Shakespeare brought along after the first in which takes place on a ship at sea during the Tempest the rest of the story is set on remote Island where the sources are Prospero a complex and contradictory character lives with his daughter Miranda and his two servers Caliban savage monster figure and Ariel and Eric spirit the play contains music and song that gives you the speed of enhancement on the island it explores many things including magic betrayal revenge and family.

A Tempest is an adaptation of Shakespeare's the Tempest from a postcolonial perspective .Aime Cesaire uses all of the characters from Shakespeare's version but it specifies that Prospero is a bright master while Ariel is a mileto and kelvin is a black slave these characters are the focus of the play as foregrounds issues of race power and decolonization area land Caliban react differently to the situation Caliban favors evolution over areas nonviolence and reject his name as imposition of prosperous colonizing language desiring to be called x at the end of the play Prospero grants a real freedom but retains control of the island and of Caliban this is a notable departure from Shakespeare's version in which prosper release the island with his daughter and the man who were there at the beginning of the play.

The Tempest by Neil Gaiman,it is the final tale of the comic book series of Neil Gaiman called sandman in this final book of sandman more years collect the last part of the death onto him by William Shakespeare with a dramatic introduced on a mysterious Island along with monsters spirit god made us appreciations this medication that please not only with the creative process and the telling of stories but also with the nature of fact and fiction reality and illusion the center provides an informative example of the uses and effects of metafiction that is all of internet not only to students of literature but also accessible to general readers.

Research objectives

to gain more information about Shakespeare's the Tempest,

to see how comic books can be dip and useful for each and every literary or non literary readers.

Research questions.

Comic books can be also Deep?

is it a best way to attract people towards good content?

can you be considered as the best way to attract not only the literary student were also a general readers towards good content?

Research methodology:

the study is narrative research and follows descriptive come analytic method the textual references are given as evidence to support the argument of this research .

Literary review:

Who thought that Shakespeare's the Tempest has a deep roots of colonialism. It was Aime Cesaire who point out colonial elements from Shakespeare's The Tempest. Aime Cesaire Transformers the characters and transposes the scenes is to reveal Shakespeare's Prospero as the explorer European power and Caliban and area is the exploited natives scissors a Tempest is an effective response to Shakespeare's the Tempest because he interpret it from the perspective of the colonies and raises a conflict which appears  as an icon of the literary canon which size that in the Tempest by William Shakespeare one might argue that colonialism is a recurring theme throughout the play because of the slave master relationship between real and Caliban and Prospero. While Neil Gaiman give an completely different and interesting picture of Shakespeare's the Tempest in his last series of sandman comic.


postcolonialism is the historical period or state of affairs representing the aftermath of Western colonialism the term can also be used to describe the project to reclaim enriching the history and agency of people subordinated under various form of imperialism and colonialism signals a possible future of overcoming colonialism get new form of a domination of subordination can come in the wake of such sensors including new forms of global Empire should not be confused with the claim that the world we live in now is actually divide of colonialism.

Comparison of the Tempest a Tempest and the Tempest:

a Tempest is a postcolonial revision of William Shakespeare's the Tempest and draws heavily on the original play the cast of characters is for the most part the same and the foundation of plot follows the same basic team Isis Prospero has been exiled and leaves honor Island and he drums up a violent storm to drive his daughter ship short the island however is somewhere in the Caribbean Ariel is a mulatto  slave rather than a spirit and kelvin is a black slave Tempest focuses on the pledge of Ariel and Kelly ban the never-ending request request to gain freedom from Prospero and his rule over the island real beautiful to prosper of for orders gives to him and sincerely believe that Prospero will honor his promise of emancipation Caribbean on the other hand slide Prospero at every opportunity upon entertaining the first act caliban and greets Prospero by saying who drew the Swahili word for freedom Prospero complaints that can often speak in his native language which Prospero has forbidden this from Sandman to attempt to claim brightest to the island angering Prospero would suggest to wimp Caliban. The Comic A Tempest by Neil Gaiman, surrounds the text of the Tempest with metafiction that replicate supplies motives themes and specify sensors in so doing it comments on the small amount we know about Shakespeare's life and Rose parallels between the author its title character Morpheus and even game and as the comic medication that is not only with creative process and the telling of stories but also with the nature of fact and fiction reality and evolution the send Monroe as an informative example of the uses and effects of medication that is of interest not only to students of literature but was accessible to general traders.

In Niel Gaiman's Tempest, characters are changed, such as instead of Miranda Gaiman uses the name Judith for the daughter ,and instead of Prospero Gaiman uses the name Shakespeare. All other things are changed, completely changed. From both of the versions. Here Shakespeare is shown as the character. The writer himself.


who thought that Shakespeare's the Tempest can be transformed in a comic book or even in an postcolonial play. comics have always been regarded as some kind of pulp the kind of work that attracts male adolescence fanboys of stand exclude superheroes and their sanity test female counterparts the winners have been changing a major factor in this change has been Neil Gaiman Siri of all series of short stories the sandman. this series features stories of a more psychological and eatery kind and its popularity cause the establishment of a new brand of comic a branch of the famous DC comics which goes under the name vertigo but eco imprints produces comics that are main to also attract and audience and familiar with comic books opening of the genre and showing its virtues to the outside world .the Tempest which also happens to be the last straw story of the entire series in the stories game in place with several popular notions that have been attached to Shakespeare and his work over the years such as the notion of cracks appear as a character and how he may or may not be found in his own works . Neil Gaiman's comic book is the best example that comic books can also be logical and It is not only for entertainment.


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